The cleaning and antifouling area

Vue du ciel

An eco-friendly yacht maintenance area

An eco-friendly yacht maintenance area designed to the highest standards

The regular maintenance of your yacht, including sanding, painting, antifouling, and engine/transmission servicing, releases toxins which are harmful to human health and marine organisms alike.

When maintenance is carried out close to the water’s edge, special care must be taken to ensure that these taxie substances are not allowed to run off or blow into the sea, or into the Camargue National Park, which surrounds Port Navy Service.

Thankfully, increasing ecological awareness has translated into real desire to reduce these emissions into our environment, exemplified by the French legislation on water pollution (water law n° 92-3, of 3 January 1992). As sailors ourselves, we know how important clean seas are to our clients.


A clean hull, and a clean conscience

Port Navy Service offers a dedicated 2 200 m2 maintenance area that complies with the latest environmental standards and is specially dedicated to the conscientious upkeep of your boat, whether it is a sailing yacht, motor boat, catamaran or trimaran.

A state-of-the-art onsite waste treatment plant, equipped with decanters and oil separators, enables pollutants, plastics, and heavy metals to be retained and recycled appropriately. Our dedication to cleaner seas is more than just talk – it is backed by action.

Maintain your yacht and protect the marine ecosystem

A recycling area, complete with sealed containers for toxic waste such as paints, fuels, acids, and solvents is located directly adjacent to the maintenance area, and is accessible 24/7 by all Port Navy Service guests.

You can also call on the numerous onsite companies within the port to help you with the maintenance or repair of your boat, and ensure that any task is completed to the highest of professional and ecological standards.

During your stay in the maintenance area, we invite you to enjoy Port Navy Service’s multiple amenities and facilities, including:

  • 3 separate toilet & shower buildings,
  • Free WiFi throughout the boatyard,
  • A covered car park for your vehicle,
  • Self-service ladders,
  • 380V high-pressure washers,
  • 24h Smart Laundry/Dryer facilities (10kg capacity, online-monitoring),
  • Private locked garages for vehicle and material storage.


Put the wind back in your sails!

Boat maintenance can be a challenging and strenuous occupation. Don’t forget to take a well­ deserved break with your crew, and enjoy a refreshing drink and delicious meal for lunch or dinner at the Yacht Club Bar & Restaurant.

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