
Vue du ciel


Building communities across land and sea


This renowned maritime association collects and shares very relevant but above all high quality information, publishing numerous cruising guides and navigational aids, and offering training courses on various topics. All members, supported by a small team of dedicated staff, share their experience, knowledge and enjoyment to make the most of cruising.

The Cruising Association has a long history over 100 years and counts numerous renowned personalities among its ranks, such as Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Griff Rhys Jones, Keith Musto and Jeanne Socrates.

Up-to-date information sharing is one of the BCA’s most valuable services, with over 6000 members sharing their cruising experiences, tips, and advice from around the world.

An online forum is available on their website, which is a great way for members to share information. All posts and replies are made using real names, not pseudonyms, and are visible only to members.

The forums are divided into categories, including general cruising topics, weather and technical issues, as well as geographical areas such as Vizcaya, Baltic and Mediterranean. Topics range from the nearest launderette to the best restaurant.

Port Navy Service has a long standing partnership with the British Cruising Association and is very pleased to offer a 10% discount on lifting/ launching, 6 and 12 month storage contracts for all club members.


The Swedish Cruising Association was founded in 1923 and is a non-profit organisation with approximately 43,000 individually-affiliated members.

The Cruising Association caters to both sea and coastal cruising enthusiasts. The association aims to promote responsible maritime tourism. In addition, the association seeks to encourage people to actively sail, to strengthen the growing community and to share their experiences.

This is achieved through the publication of a member magazine “På Kryss”. Its content generates inspiration, creates community and improves safety through travel reports, articles and factual information. “På Kryss’ is only published in Swedish and is also available online in digital form.

The magazine has been published continuously since 1923 and contains members’ travel reports, factual information on boating and destinations. In recent years this publication has been devoted to the Gotland coast, the Norrland coast, the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

Port Navy Service has a long-standing partnership with the Swedish Sailing Club and is very pleased to offer a 10% discount on lifting/ launching, 6 and 12 month storage contracts for all club members.

In addition, we offer a special discount for all additional lifting/craning within a calendar year, from 1 January to 31 December. A discount of 15% applies if the extra handling is done between May 1 and October 31, and a discount of 30% is offered if the lifting is done between January 1 and April 30 and November 1 and December 31.

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